When I went to my client's home to assemble the drawer memory boxes, I really didn't know what I would want to use to affix the wide variety of items that would create the 3D collages. And when I'm somewhere other than home, I like to bring absolutely everything I may need. I thought I'd show you what was in my bag of tricks on this installation day. Maybe some of these will be new to you:
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Our home office is in great need of renovation. It was on my list of home projects, but not at the top... until I found this work bench.
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There are a couple great vintage kitchen tables at the cabin that have probably been there since my Dad and Grandpa built it. I first gave them my personal touch back in college in the late 80's, when country stenciling was all the rage.
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Way back in August of 2014 I showed you this perfectly junky stove Mr. Fix-it picked up curbside for me. As usual, it hung out in my driveway/yard/garden for a couple years before I got the time and motivation to make it sing.
Continue reading "New Perfection Stove: Before and After" »
I scored this buffet at an auction almost a year ago for a mere $20!
Continue reading "The Newest Addition to Our Home... A Buffet!" »

There's a couple household appliances in my battalion of handy tools that are invaluable when it comes to my line of work. (Which is exactly...what??) Making the tired and worn pretty and functional again!
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This past weekend was filled with lots of projects, many of which contained drawers.
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Over the weekend, I was spray painting...as you can see from the yard. I used both my paint sprayer and cans of spray paint, and thought I'd give you a little info on both and when and why I use each.
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This spoon carved headboard came from one of my first auctions after we moved to Sartell.
Continue reading "Making a King Size Bed From Full Size Parts" »
We fielded a lot of questions during our last occasional sale about the finishes we used on our items. Here's the run down on the product finishes we use the most.
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