This was the week; I was determined to get the new SLR camera out of the box, put the lens on, and start taking some pictures. And what better subject matter to learn on, then pretty flowers?! It's not like I need to be nervous about wasting film developing any more, right?
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Last week was the beginning of "The Great Minnesota Get Together", and the weather was perfect to enjoy it fully without getting too hot or wet! We went the first day, and what struck me the most this year was the beautiful gardens and foliage everywhere.
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For the first summer ever in my gardening life, I decided to try out a collage of low succulents for my tabletop containers. I've loved the subtle textures and colors of these beauties for years, but haven't been able to stomach their prices. But this year, at Lowe's, a full display of their beautiful options, plus a reasonable price on small, individual pots made me pull the trigger on a whole new world.
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With the early spring we had, everyone else's pots have received so much Miracle Grow they're bursting and beautiful, but me...I'm buying and planting like crazy to make up for lost time!
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The men in my life look forward to Fishing Opener, but I prefer Gardening Opener.
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Bright, happy, pansies are in at the local garden centers! I picked up a few for the store this past weekend, and thought I'd inspire you to get your green thumb on and plant up a few for your home enjoyment.
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On my non-Occasional weeks, I get the pleasure of taking care of my sister's kids one day a week. I call it my day with "the littles". It's my day to put Patina General projects aside, and just have fun (well, I maybe throw some laundry in). Having the littles over forces me to slow down my pace, and enjoy the little things in life again.
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We've had a hot few weeks here in Minnesota, and daily watering the flowers in my pots has been my morning routine. I love all kinds of flowers and try new combinations in my containers each year. If I take pics, then I can remember from year to year what did well, and what I'll change up next year. I relish these late summer overflowing containers and the garden that's looking like a tropical jungle!
Warning...photo heavy post. Non-gardeners may get bored. Fellow gardeners...good entertainment.
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Summertime in Minnesota means picnic time. Vintage thermoses were a staple in most picnic baskets back in the day.
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